Beauty Out of Ashes

Hello everyone!

I titled this post “Beauty out of Ashes” because I have found that over this past year this is something I relate to on a very intimate level and has held true in my own life.

Despite the challenges I faced throughout the past few years, the last 12 months have only been a testimony to how insanely good God has been and I want to get real with you for a moment to share just one area in my life where He has been working.

The past few years I faced a few trials to put it lightly.  Within a year I had experienced all 5 of the top 5 most stressful life events. There were times I felt hopeless and like my whole world was falling apart, but God had a plan for my life that was greater than anything I could have ever imagined. All it required of me was to let go and trust. So 12 months ago I let go and I relied on Him for strength.

The theme of this past year for me has been “surrender.” I learned that when I truly surrendered and let Him guide me, what He had in store for me was a billion times better than what I ever imagined possible for myself.

I leaned on friends, family, and loved ones for support, and it was the best decision I ever could have made for myself. And now a year later I can say somewhere along the way I found healing and the Lord has redeemed my life in ways I never thought possible.

I want to share a story with you that is just one example of an area of my life where the Lord answered my prayers and rather quickly too.

One morning I asked for direction with my photography. Sometimes I feel shallow praying about my business because - I don’t know, it just seems silly. But that morning I decided to.

I felt like getting a studio was the next step for me and so I wanted clarity and guidance in making that decision. I had absolutely no plan or even the slightest clue what leasing a commercial space entailed, but I asked for His blessing on it nonetheless and for the opportunity if that was the path He wanted for me.

That same evening I got a call from a friend telling me about a new Luxury Marketplace for all things health, wellness, and beauty. He told me they had hopes to fill one of the spaces with a photographer and my name came up.

At this point I was pretty shocked to even be having this conversation because I had just been praying for this very thing that same morning.

Eventually I asked how much the rent was going to be and I was thrilled to hear it fit right into what I had originally budgeted for. Not to mention, the studio was right down the street from my apartment.

That did it for me. An opportunity presented itself that seemed too good to be true. I didn’t know if God was going to answer my prayer, let alone do it within 12 hours, but He did.

After a year of challenges, many changes, heartbreak, hard work, and dedication, I am thrilled to announce that Jolie Studios now officially has its very own studio space!

After having gone through what I did and coming out the other side stronger for it, I can see that God used every ounce of pain, suffering, hurt, heartbreak, both physical and emotional scars to transform my life and use it for His good and glory. Not just with my photography, but in every aspect of my life.

I am so grateful for this journey. I never thought I would be able to look back on my past with gratitude, but I do. There were many times I didn’t think I would make it to my 22nd Birthday, but yet here I am, about to turn 23, quite literally living in the Goodness of God.

Every experience led me to where I am now, and I still have a long way to go, but words will never be enough to describe how in awe I am of the miracles He has performed in my life before my very own eyes.

This studio to me is a testament to His goodness and grace, and I look forward to using it to share His love with others and use the talents and opportunities He has provided me with to honor Him the best I can in the work that I do.

As I open the doors to this studio, I am reminded of how faithful God has been in my life. His love has carried me through the darkest of days, and I know that He will continue to guide me through this new chapter in my life.

So if you or someone you know is going through a difficult season just know that you are NOT alone, you CAN persevere, The Lord IS faithful, and prayers DO get answered. If He did it for me, He can do it for anyone and that is something I fully believe.

Thank you all for your support and encouragement over the past 8 years. I am so excited to share this space with you all and to do my best to use my photography to share His beauty and light in the world.

